Volkswagen Golf Log details #512

Volkswagen Golf (AU1) 2017 - Log details

Volkswagen Golf

Milege: 649 km
Year: 2017
Code: AU
Created: 2022-08-24

Log Info

Control modules count: 23
Errors: no
scanned at: 2017-06-05

Log items

Address Modules list Errors Part number Software/Hardware Coding
01 Engine 8V0 906 259 J
06K 907 425 B
SW: 0003
02 Auto Trans 0GC 300 011 M
0GC 927 711 G
SW: 0707
03 ABS Brakes 5Q0 614 517 CF
5Q0 614 517 AD
SW: 0513
05 AccStart Auth 5Q0 959 435 B
5Q0 959 435
SW: 0710
08 Auto HVAC 5G0 907 044 CF
5G0 907 044 CF
SW: 1801
09 Cent Elect 5Q0 937 084 CF
5Q0 937 084 CF
SW: 0236
10 ParkSteer Assist 5QA 919 294 A
5QA 919 294
SW: 0038
13 Auto Dist Reg 5Q0 907 572 H
3QF 907 572
SW: 0620
14 Susp Elect 5Q0 907 376 B
5Q0 907 376 A
SW: 0121
15 Airbags 5Q0 959 655 AS
5Q0 959 655 AS
SW: 0318
16 Steering wheel 5Q0 953 507 HN
5Q0 953 549 E
SW: 0140
17 Instruments 5G1 920 791
5G1 920 791
SW: 2180
19 CAN Gateway 3Q0 907 530 C
3Q0 907 530 C
SW: 5286
22 AWD 0CQ 907 554 H
0CQ 525 130
SW: 7083
2B Steer Col Lock 5Q0 905 861 A
5Q0 905 861 A
SW: 0120
3C Lane Change 5Q0 907 686 B
5Q0 907 686 B
SW: 0071
42 Door Elect Driver 5Q0 959 593 E
5Q0 959 593 B
SW: 0041
44 Steering Assist 3Q0 909 144 K
3Q0 909 144 H
SW: 5072
47 Sound System 5Q0 035 456
5Q0 035 456
SW: 0150
52 Door Elect Pass 5Q0 959 592 E
5Q0 959 592 B
SW: 0041
5F Information Electr 5NA 035 020
5NA 035 020
SW: 1077
A5 Front-Vorfeldkamera 3Q0 980 654 G
3Q0 980 654
SW: 0231
A9 Struct Borne Sound 5G0 907 159 D
4H0 907 159 A
SW: 0001

Raw data

VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x64
VCDS Version: (x64)
Data version: 20170505 DS270.4

VIN: WVWZZZAUZHW389511   License Plate: KJ30802
Mileage: 649km-403mi   Repair Order: 


Chassis Type  AU (3Q0)
Scan: 01 02 03 05 08 09 10 13 14 15 16 17 19 22 2B 3C 42 44 47 52
          5F A5 A9

VIN: WVWZZZAUZHW389511   Mileage: 649km-403miles

01-Engine -- Status: OK 0000
02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
05-Acc/Start Auth. -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: OK 0000
13-Auto Dist. Reg -- Status: OK 0000
14-Susp. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: Malfunction 0010
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
22-AWD -- Status: OK 0000
2B-Steer. Col. Lock -- Status: OK 0000
3C-Lane Change -- Status: OK 0000
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
44-Steering Assist -- Status: OK 0000
47-Sound System -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
5F-Information Electr. -- Status: OK 0000
A5-Frt Sens. Drv. Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
A9-Struct. Borne Sound -- Status: OK 0000
Address 01: Engine (J623-DJHA)       Labels: 06K-907-425-V1.clb
   Part No SW: 8V0 906 259 J    HW: 06K 907 425 B
   Component: 2.0l R4 TFSI  H13 0003  
   Revision: --H13---    
   Coding: 092500122466050B3004
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM20TFS0208V0906259J 001005
   ROD: EV_ECM20TFS0208V0906259J.rod
   VCID: 479D110BFECBC97F8D-8012

No fault code found.
Readiness: 0000 0000

Address 02: Auto Trans (J743)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 0GC 300 011 M    HW: 0GC 927 711 G
   Component: GSG DQ381     H06 0707  
   Revision: 00H06V07    
   Coding: 0014
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMDQ381061 001
   ROD: EV_TCMDQ381061_VW37.rod
   VCID: 2C574EA7476D0A2780-8078

No fault code found.

Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104)       Labels: 5Q0-907-379-IPB-V1.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 614 517 CF    HW: 5Q0 614 517 AD
   Component: ESC           H25 0513  
   Revision: 00000000    Serial number: 61247000000890
   Coding: 01FA6BA154282175477C070140C46980D62A84E2E0029677384250F8C2A8430000000012121212B835351919323200
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB 036010
   ROD: EV_Brake1UDSContiMK100IPB_036_VW27.rod
   VCID: 77FDA1CBCEAB79FF3D-8022

No fault code found.

Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. (J518)       Labels: 5Q0-959-435.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 435 B    HW: 5Q0 959 435 
   Component: VWKESSYMQB    021 0710  
   Revision: 00021000    Serial number: 0441543000
   Coding: 032C0C
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB 002019
   ROD: EV_KessyHellaMQBAB_002_VW37.rod
   VCID: 3B757DFBB2039D9F19-806E

No fault code found.

Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255)       Labels: 5G0-907-044.clb
   Part No SW: 5G0 907 044 CF    HW: 5G0 907 044 CF
   Component: Climatronic   H04 1801  
   Revision: 00001K08    
   Coding: 0002000420041001110500020010102A
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 006145
   ROD: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X_006_VW37.rod
   VCID: 6DD183A3BCF7C32FD7-8038

   Fresh Air Blower Front: 

   Refrigerant Pressure And Temperature Sender: 

   Air quality sensor: 

No fault code found.

Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519)       Labels: 5Q0-937-08X-V2.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 937 084 CF    HW: 5Q0 937 084 CF
   Component: BCM MQBAB M+  H34 0236  
   Serial number: 02001713201143
   Coding: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_BCMMQB 017001
   ROD: EV_BCMBOSCH_017_VW27.rod
   VCID: 7EF3B4EFE19148B77E-802A

   Control Unit For Wiper Motor: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G1 955 119 A    HW: 5G1 955 119 A  Labels: 5QX-955-119-V1.CLB
   Component: WWS    170411  043 0551 
   Serial number:         170427225740
   Coding: 0E4DDD

   Rain Light Recognition Sensor: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5Q0 955 547 B    HW: 5Q0 955 547 B  Labels: 5Q0-955-547.CLB
   Component: RLHS  042 0105 
   Serial number: S4Y17M05D10H23M03S16
   Coding: 00A8EE

   Sensor For Anti Theft Alarm System: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5Q0 951 172     HW: 5Q0 951 172 
   Component: Sensor, DWA  005 0316 
   Serial number: 000000000ZY171142RHY

   Alarm horn: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: 5Q0 951 605 A    HW: 5Q0 951 605 A
   Component: Sirene, DWA  005 0314 
   Serial number: 00000000000069260223

No fault code found.

Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J446)       Labels: 5Q0-919-294.clb
   Part No SW: 5QA 919 294 A    HW: 5QA 919 294 
   Component: PDC 8 KanalH07 0038  
   Serial number: 000308418617132
   Coding: 0471155011
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 009031
   ROD: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000_009_VW37.rod
   VCID: 4A9B283FEDD9341792-801E

No fault code found.

Address 13: Auto Dist. Reg (J428)       Labels: 3Q0-907-572.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 907 572 H    HW: 3QF 907 572 
   Component: ACC BOSCH MQB H10 0620  
   Coding: 330067C15DFFC728949C810580400600000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ACCBOSCHVW416 002005
   ROD: EV_ACCBOSCHVW416_002_VW37.rod
   VCID: 3C777EE7B70D9AA710-8068

No fault code found.

Address 14: Susp. Elect. (J250)       Labels: 5Q0-907-376.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 907 376 B    HW: 5Q0 907 376 A
   Component: DAEMPFUNGS-SG H17 0121  
   Serial number: 13041741350627
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DRCONTITEMIC 001019
   VCID: 387F62F78335B687F4-806C

No fault code found.

Address 15: Airbags (J234)       Labels: 5Q0-959-655.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 655 AS    HW: 5Q0 959 655 AS
   Component: AirbagVW21    003 0318  
   Serial number: 003TMR2XXWGP
   Coding: 98FCC0C0000000005C5400CF000800000065
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X 002154
   ROD: EV_AirbaVW20SMEVW37X_VW37.rod
   VCID: 1129FF53C00F47CF93-8044

   Belt Pretensioner left: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G0 980 945 B    HW: 5G0 980 945 B
   Component: BeltPretRevFL  H37 0350 
   Serial number: 34169667E10051750583
   Coding: 333135

   Belt Pretensioner right: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5G0 980 946 B    HW: 5G0 980 946 B
   Component: BeltPretRevFR  H37 0350 
   Serial number: 34169668E09051751077
   Coding: 333135

   Side Sensor Driver Front: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 001 005 17
   Component: SideSensor_Df  001 0887 
   Serial number: 3570000000065799342H
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Passenger Front: 
   Subsystem 4 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 000 905 17
   Component: SideSensor_Pf  001 0887 
   Serial number: 3580000000052795D32J
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Driver Rear: 
   Subsystem 5 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 400 905 17
   Component: SideSensor_Dr  000 6149 
   Serial number: 3510001C325C67B5E3BF
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Side Sensor Passenger Rear: 
   Subsystem 6 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 400 905 17
   Component: SideSensor_Pr  000 6149 
   Serial number: 3520001A32537344A1DX
   Coding: 2D2D2D

   Front Sensor Driver: 
   Subsystem 7 - Part No SW: -----------    HW: 480 400 805 17
   Component: FrontSensor_D  000 6149 
   Serial number: 3550001A7253734174AY
   Coding: 2D2D2D

No fault code found.

Address 16: Steering wheel (J527)       Labels: 5Q0-953-549.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 953 507 HN    HW: 5Q0 953 549 E
   Component: Lenks. Modul  003 0140  
   Revision: --------    Serial number: 07051708490686
   Coding: 0C10
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_SMLSKLOMQB 020002
   ROD: EV_SMLSKLOMQB_020_VW37.rod
   VCID: 0919D733A85F7F0F5B-805C

No fault code found.

Address 17: Instruments (J285)       Labels: 5G0-920-XXX-17.clb
   Part No SW: 5G1 920 791     HW: 5G1 920 791 
   Component: KOMBI         409 2180  
   Coding: 07AD30187F8C000801886B0B5400000080000000
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 009052
   ROD: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB_009_VW26.rod
   VCID: 69D9F7B3881FDF0FBB-803C

1 Fault Found:
16777020 - Function Restricted due to Interrupted Communications 
          U1110 00 [008] - -
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 47
                    Mileage: 82 km
                    Date: 2017.06.02
                    Time: 19:59:50

Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 3Q0 907 530 C    HW: 3Q0 907 530 C
   Component: GW MQB High   515 5286  
   Serial number: 29041710803250
   Coding: 030100047F085900FB00827E9C0F00010001050000000000000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_GatewNF 013020
   ROD: EV_GatewNF_VW27.rod
   VCID: 2F6D59AB767B713FA5-807A


   Multi Function Steering Wheel Control Module: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5G0 959 442 N    HW: 5G0 959 442 N  Labels: 3C8-959-537.CLB
   Component: E221__MFL-DC1  H11 0040 
   Serial number: 39170001104990107173
   Coding: 2DFFFF

   Battery Monitoring Control Module: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5Q0 915 181 K    HW: 5Q0 915 181 K
   Component: J367-BDMHella  H10 9070 
   Serial number: 3792483804          

No fault code found.

Address 22: AWD (J492)       Labels: 0CQ-907-554.clb
   Part No SW: 0CQ 907 554 H    HW: 0CQ 525 130 
   Component: Haldex4Motion H52 7083  
   Serial number: HA1-00028.03.17
   Coding: 0001
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AllWheelContrHA1VW37X 004013
   ROD: EV_AllWheelContrHA1VW37X_004_VW37.rod
   VCID: 4A9B283FEDD9341792-801E

No fault code found.

Address 2B: Steer. Col. Lock (J764)       Labels: 5Q0-905-861.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 905 861 A    HW: 5Q0 905 861 A
   Component: ELV-MQBA      H01 0120  
   Revision: 00000000    Serial number: 17000115986009
   Coding: 5D00000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_ELVMarquMQB 004111
   ROD: EV_ELVMarquMQB_004_VW37.rod
   VCID: 346756C79F5D52E7D8-8060

No fault code found.

Address 3C: Lane Change (J1086)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 907 686 B    HW: 5Q0 907 686 B
   Component: HRE_Master    H12 0071  
   Serial number: 0437404495
   Coding: 02011103
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_HREntryHella 001028
   ROD: EV_HREntryHella_VW32.rod
   VCID: 3C777EE7B70D9AA710-8068

   Lane Change Assistant 2: 

No fault code found.

Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386)       Labels: 5QX-959-X93-42.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 593 E    HW: 5Q0 959 593 B
   Component: TSG FS        020 0041  
   Serial number: 270417EDQ34564
   Coding: 003F1220D000048000001000
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUDriveSideEWMAXKLO 006003
   VCID: 4385051BCAF3E55F51-8016

   Drivers Door Rear Control Module: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q0 959 811     HW: 5Q0 959 811   Labels: 5QX-959-81X-V1.CLB
   Component: FOND_FHSG_DRV  005 0005 
   Serial number: 00000000000014394836
   Coding: 110000

No fault code found.

Address 44: Steering Assist (J500)       Labels: 5Q0-909-144.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 909 144 K    HW: 3Q0 909 144 H
   Component: EPS_MQB_ZFLS  506 5072  
   Coding: 9107
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_SteerAssisMQB 013144
   ROD: EV_SteerAssisMQB_013_VW37.rod
   VCID: 3A7B78FFBD39A49702-806E

No fault code found.

Address 47: Sound System (J525)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 035 456     HW: 5Q0 035 456 
   Component: MIB2_lite_amp H30 0150  
   Revision: 00000001    Serial number: VWZ8Z1HBA03JT0G
   Coding: 12000000008AAA8A000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AMPMst11CGen2ALPI 001003
   ROD: EV_AMPMst11CGen2ALPI_VW37.rod
   VCID: 6DD183A3BCF7C32FD7-8038

No fault code found.

Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. (J387)       Labels: 5QX-959-X92-52.clb
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 592 E    HW: 5Q0 959 592 B
   Component: TSG BFS       020 0041  
   Serial number: 020517EE210861
   Coding: 003F1020DE00048000801000
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUPasseSideEWMAXKLO 006003
   VCID: 428B001FD5E9EC575A-8016

   Passengers Rear Door Control Module: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q0 959 812     HW: 5Q0 959 812   Labels: 5QX-959-81X-V1.CLB
   Component: FOND_FHSG_PSG  005 0005 
   Serial number: 00000000000014493310
   Coding: 090000

No fault code found.

Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794)       Labels: None
   Part No SW: 5NA 035 020     HW: 5NA 035 020 
   Component: MU-H-ND-EU    H51 1077  
   Serial number: A845E0HB006283
   Coding: 027310010000000041110102008808231F0107F4012004009E
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_MUHig4CGen2HBAS 001001
   ROD: EV_MUHig4CGen2HBAS_VW37.rod
   VCID: 6ED384AFB1F13837EE-803A

   Operating And Display Unit 1: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G6 919 606     HW: 5G6 919 606 
   Component: ABT_High-2  H50 9120 
   Serial number: VWZ6ZHT1330874      

   Data medium: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: V03 959 800 QQ    HW: -----------
   Component: ECE 2017  --- 0157 
   Serial number: --------------------

   Compact Disc Database: 
   Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: V03 959 800 EG    HW: -----------
   Component: Gracenote2  --- 1015 
   Serial number: --------------------

No fault code found.

Address A5: Frt Sens. Drv. Assist (R242)       Labels: 3Q0-980-65X-A5.clb
   Part No SW: 3Q0 980 654 G    HW: 3Q0 980 654 
   Component: MQB_B_MFK     H06 0231  
   Serial number: 11051711P20330
   Coding: 0003070000000401002623548050A90098000E300040
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_MFKBoschMQBB 001001
   ROD: EV_MFKBoschMQBB_VW36.rod
   VCID: 3B757DFBB2039D9F19-806E

1 Fault Found:
1275 - Camera Interference 
          C1104 00 [024] -  - 
          Intermittent - Confirmed - Not Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 4
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 9
                    Mileage: 620 km
                    Date: 2017.06.04
                    Time: 23:15:37

                    Control Module temperature: 35 °C
                    Outside air temperature: 13.5 °C
                    Vehicle speed: 31.76 km/h
                    System run time: 3535.8 s (second)
                    Voltage terminal 15: 14.4 V
                    mid: 01 62
                    Camera_state: operational
                    Engine_Running_Info: 1
                    Software_Info_4: 1
                    Software_Info_3: 3
                    Software_Info_2: 2
                    Software_Info_1: 0

Address A9: Struct. Borne Sound (J869)       Labels: 4H0-907-159.clb
   Part No SW: 5G0 907 159 D    HW: 4H0 907 159 A
   Component: SAS-GEN 2     H07 0001  
   Serial number: 170407201063
   ASAM Dataset: EV_SoundActuaGen2AU64X 003010
   ROD: EV_SoundActuaGen2AU64X_VW26.rod
   VCID: 2F6D59AB767B713FA5-807A

No fault code found.