Volkswagen Golf Plus Log details #342

Volkswagen Golf Plus (521) 2012 - Log details

Volkswagen Golf Plus

Milege: 71490 km
Year: 2012
Code: 1K
Created: 2019-09-13

Log Info

Control modules count: 17
Errors: yes
scanned at: 2017-10-23

Log items

Address Modules list Errors Part number Software/Hardware Coding
01 Engine 1K8 907 115 F
8P0 907 115 B
SW: 0040
02 Auto Trans 02E 300 013 S
02E 927 770 AL
SW: 2742
03 ABS Brakes 1K0 907 379 BJ
1K0 907 379 BJ
SW: 0121
08 Auto HVAC 3AA 907 044 BB
3AA 907 044 BB
SW: 0404
09 Cent Elect 1K0 937 084 F
1K0 937 084 F
SW: 0651
10 ParkSteer Assist 5K0 919 475 E
5K0 919 475 E
SW: 0012
15 Airbags 5C0 959 655 B
5C0 959 655 B
SW: 0613
16 Steering wheel 5K0 953 507 AH
5K0 953 549 B
SW: 0080
17 Instruments 5K6 920 881 B
5K6 920 881 B
SW: 0206
19 CAN Gateway 7N0 907 530 BG
7N0 907 530 AN
SW: 1674
22 AWD 0BR 907 554 C
0BR 907 554 C
SW: 3018
25 Immobilizer 5K0 953 234
5K0 953 234
SW: 0206
42 Door Elect Driver 5K0 959 701 C
5K0 959 701 C
SW: 2117
44 Steering Assist SW: 3201
52 Door Elect Pass 5K0 959 702 C
5K0 959 702 C
SW: 2117
55 Headlight Range 5M0 907 357 C
5M0 907 357 C
SW: 0148
5F Information Electr 5C0 035 680 B
5C0 035 680 B
SW: 0245

Raw data

VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 7 x64
VCDS Version: (x64)
Data version: 20170721 DS276.2

VIN: WVWZZZ1KZCW047426   License Plate: DU020R
Mileage: 71490km-44421mi   Repair Order: 


Chassis Type: 1K-VW36 (7N0)
Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 10 15 16 17 19 22 25 42 44 46 52 55 5F

VIN: WVWZZZ1KZCW047426   Mileage: 71490km-44421miles

01-Engine -- Status: OK 0000
02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
04-Steering Angle -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: OK 0000
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
22-AWD -- Status: OK 0000
25-Immobilizer -- Status: OK 0000
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
44-Steering Assist -- Status: OK 0000
46-Central Conv. -- Status: OK 0000
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
55-Headlight Range -- Status: OK 0000
5F-Information Electr. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
Address 01: Engine (CDL)       Labels:. 06F-907-115-CDL.clb
   Part No SW: 1K8 907 115 F    HW: 8P0 907 115 B
   Component: 2.0l R4/4V TFSI     0040  
   Revision: 5BH20---    Serial number:               
   Coding: 0403000C1C0F0160
   Shop #: WSC 14133 284 419462
   VCID: 31697BCEA8C5E8CE35-8064

No fault code found.
Readiness: 0010 0000

Address 02: Auto Trans        Labels: 02E-927-770.clb
   Part No SW: 02E 300 013 S    HW: 02E 927 770 AL
   Component: GSG DSG AG6     511 2742  
   Revision: 05351113    Serial number: 00001106220946
   Coding: 0000024
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   VCID: 21498B8EF825584EA5-8074

No fault code found.

Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104)       Labels:. 1K0-907-379-60EC1F.clb
   Part No SW: 1K0 907 379 BJ    HW: 1K0 907 379 BJ
   Component: ESP MK60EC1   H31 0121  
   Revision: 00H31001    
   Coding: 143B800D09268001280F01E6901F0141350000
   Shop #: WSC 41203 001 1048576
   VCID: 7BF599E6FA09D29EDF-802E

No fault code found.

Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255)       Labels:| 5K0-907-044.clb
   Part No SW: 3AA 907 044 BB    HW: 3AA 907 044 BB
   Component: Climatronic   H03 0404  
   Revision: 00001K01    
   Coding: 001C004002
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 12345
   ASAM Dataset: EV_Climatronic A01010
   ROD: EV_ClimaAutoBasis_VW36.rod
   VCID: 71E9BBCEA045A8CE75-8024

No fault code found.

Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519)       Labels:. 1K0-937-08x-09.clb
   Part No SW: 1K0 937 084 F    HW: 1K0 937 084 F
   Component: BCM PQ35  B   110 0651  
   Revision: 00110 AC    
   Coding: 40180A3AE825F300400800C0340008E44F750488737D8D20E48400240040
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   VCID: 31697BCE68C5E8CE35-8064

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 5K1 955 119   Labels: 1KX-955-119.CLB
   Component: Wischer 29061  26  0512 
   Coding: 009F95

   Subsystem 2 - Part No: 1K0 955 559 AH  Labels: 1K0-955-559-AG.CLB
   Component: RLS 020711 05  54  0403 
   Coding: 0730AD

   Subsystem 3 - Part No: 1K8 951 171 
   Component: DWA-Sensor 00  001 0104 

   Subsystem 4 - Part No: 1K8 951 605 B
   Component: LIN BACKUP HO  H11 9005 

No fault code found.

Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J446)       Labels:. 3C8-919-475.clb
   Part No SW: 5K0 919 475 E    HW: 5K0 919 475 E
   Component: PARKHILFE 8K  H01 0012  
   Revision: --------    Serial number: 12591113809715
   Coding: 308104
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   VCID: 387F46EA8BBF398672-806C

No fault code found.

Address 15: Airbags (J234)       Labels:| 5K0-959-655.clb
   Part No SW: 5C0 959 655 B    HW: 5C0 959 655 B
   Component: AirbagVW10    013 0613  
   Serial number: 003G5RA7CDV   
   Coding: 00003957
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   ASAM Dataset: EV_AirbaVW10SMEVW360 A01014
   ROD: EV_AirbaVW10SMEVW360.rod
   VCID: 31697BCE60C5E8CE35-8064

   Crash sensor for side airbag: driver side: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5K0 959 354     HW: 5K0 959 354 
   Component: S.Sens.Fahr.V  H01 ---- 
   Serial number: 3572MSME59205260ZZZM

   Crash sensor for side airbag: front passenger side: 
   Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5K0 959 354     HW: 5K0 959 354 
   Component: S.Sens.Beif.V  H01 ---- 
   Serial number: 3582MSME3A143161ZZZN

   Crash sensor for side airbag: rear: driver side: 
   Component: S.Sens.Fahr.H  --- ---- 
   Serial number: 3512QSME78201E27ZZZW

   Crash sensor for side airbag: rear: passenger side: 
   Component: S.Sens.Beif.H  --- ---- 
   Serial number: 3522QSME64430D04ZZZQ

No fault code found.

Address 16: Steering wheel (J527)       Labels:| 5K0-953-569.clb
   Part No SW: 5K0 953 507 AH    HW: 5K0 953 549 B
   Component: Lenks.Modul   008 0080  
   Revision: --------    Serial number:  90422KFS000OY
   Coding: 1892140000
   Shop #: WSC 12345 123 12345
   ASAM Dataset: EV_SMLSNGKUDS A05001
   VCID: 76E388D2C92B8FF6A0-8022

   Multifunction steering wheel control module: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 1K8 959 442     HW: 1K8 959 442 
   Component: E221__MFL-DC1  H04 0103 
   Serial number: 29160002327190106443
   Coding: A5FFFF

No fault code found.

Address 17: Instruments (J285)       Labels:| 5K0-920-xxx-17.clb
   Part No SW: 5K6 920 881 B    HW: 5K6 920 881 B
   Component: KOMBI         H03 0206  
   Serial number: 00000000000000
   Coding: 170D01
   Shop #: WSC 03037 425 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_Kombi_UDS_VDD_RM09 A04089
   ROD: EV_Kombi_UDS_VDD_RM09_A04_VW32.rod
   VCID: 346772DA9FD7DDE65E-8060

No fault code found.

Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533)       Labels:. 7N0-907-530-V2.clb
   Part No SW: 7N0 907 530 BG    HW: 7N0 907 530 AN
   Component: J533  Gateway H56 1674  
   Revision:   H56       Serial number: 290117F1002171
   Coding: 350000
   Shop #: WSC 12345 123 12345
   VCID: 76E388D2C12B8FF6A0-8022

No fault code found.

Address 22: AWD        Labels: 0AY-907-554-V1.clb
   Part No SW: 0BR 907 554 C    HW: 0BR 907 554 C
   Component: Haldex 4Motion      3018  
   Coding: 0000005
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 45813F1E0C4D546EF9-8010

No fault code found.

Address 25: Immobilizer (J334)       Labels:| 5K0-920-xxx-25.clb
   Part No SW: 5K0 953 234     HW: 5K0 953 234 
   Component: IMMO          H03 0206  
   Serial number: 00000000000000
   Coding: 000000
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   ASAM Dataset: EV_Immo_UDS_VDD_RM09 A03008
   ROD: EV_Immo_UDS_VDD_RM09_VW21.rod
   VCID: 6ADBACA28D935B1634-803E

No fault code found.

Address 42: Door Elect, Driver        Labels:. 1K0-959-701-MAX3.clb
   Part No SW: 5K0 959 701 C    HW: 5K0 959 701 C
   Component: Tuer-SG         009 2117  
   Coding: 0004214
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   VCID: 326B74C2ADC3D3D64C-8066

No fault code found.

Address 44: Steering Assist        Labels: 1K0-909-14x-GEN3.clb
   Part No: 1K0 909 144 M
   Component: EPS_ZFLS Kl. 74     3201  
   Revision: 00H20000    
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   VCID: 346772DA57D7DDE65E-8060

No fault code found.

Address 52: Door Elect, Pass.        Labels:. 1K0-959-702-MAX3.clb
   Part No SW: 5K0 959 702 C    HW: 5K0 959 702 C
   Component: Tuer-SG         009 2117  
   Coding: 0004470
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   VCID: 336571C652D9DADE47-8066

No fault code found.

Address 55: Headlight Range        Labels: 5M0-907-357-V2.lbl
   Part No SW: 5M0 907 357 C    HW: 5M0 907 357 C
   Component: AFS-Steuergeraet    0148  
   Revision: 00H04000    Serial number:               
   Coding: 1475676
   Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
   VCID: 346772DA57D7DDE65E-8060

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 B  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul l    0004  
   Coding: 00000022

   Subsystem 2 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 B  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul r    0004  
   Coding: 00000022

No fault code found.

Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794)       Labels:| 5G0-035-MIB-STD2.clb
   Part No SW: 5C0 035 680 B    HW: 5C0 035 680 B
   Component: MU-S-N-ER     H22 0245  
   Serial number: --------------
   Coding: 02730001FF00000011110001000808001F0100D4002001004F
   Shop #: WSC 00015 115 00001
   ASAM Dataset: EV_MUStd4CTSAT 001022
   ROD: EV_MUStd4CTSAT_VW26.rod
   VCID: 204F8E8A3B2F5146AA-8074

   Data medium: 
   Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 3G0 919 866 BC    HW: -----------
   Component: ECE1 2017/18  --- 0820 
   Serial number: --------------------

2 Faults Found:
1562 - Microphone 1 
          B129B 11 [009] - Short to Ground
          Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 4
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 5
                    Mileage: 71499 km
                    Date: 2017.10.22
                    Time: 09:57:13

                    Voltage terminal 30: 14.1 V

7201 - Function Restricted due to Missing Message(s) 
          U1111 00 [009] - -
          Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000001
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 5
                    Mileage: 71499 km
                    Date: 2017.10.22
                    Time: 09:57:15

                    Voltage terminal 30: 14.0 V
                    BAP-BAP_Function_ID: 02

End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 02:43)--------------------------