Volkswagen Passat Log details #304

Volkswagen Passat (3C2) 2009 - Log details

Volkswagen Passat

Milege: 247360 km
Year: 2009
Code: 3C
Created: 2020-03-25

Log Info

Control modules count: 23
Errors: yes
scanned at: 2016-10-31

Log items

Address Modules list Errors Part number Software/Hardware Coding
01 Engine 06J 906 026 AF
06J 906 026 AF
SW: 3318
03 ABS Brakes 3C0 614 109 P
3C0 614 109 P
SW: 0011
08 Auto HVAC 3C0 907 044 EB
3C0 907 044 EB
SW: 1010
09 Cent Elect 3C8 937 049 E
3C8 937 049 E
SW: 2602
15 Airbags 5N0 959 655
5N0 959 655
SW: 1815
16 Steering wheel 3C0 953 549 AE
3C0 953 549 AE
SW: 0020
17 Instruments 3C0 920 871 FX
3C0 920 871 FX
SW: 1216
19 CAN Gateway 3C0 907 530 H
3C0 907 951
SW: 0142
25 Immobilizer 3C0 959 433 S
3C0 959 433 S
SW: 0383
2E Media Player 3 5N0 035 342 A
5N0 035 342 A
SW: 0062
37 Navigation 3C0 035 684 A
3C0 035 684
SW: 0380
42 Door Elect Driver 1K0 959 701 AC
1K0 959 793 N
SW: 1517
44 Steering Assist 5N1 909 144 G
5N1 909 148 F
SW: 0401
46 Central Conv 3C0 959 433 S
3C0 959 433 S
SW: 0472
47 Sound System 1Q0 035 456 B
1Q0 035 456 B
SW: 0013
52 Door Elect Pass 1K0 959 702 AC
1K0 959 792 N
SW: 1517
53 Parking Brake 3C8 907 801 A
3C8 907 801 A
SW: 0003
55 Headlight Range 5M0 907 357 C
5M0 907 357 C
SW: 0133
56 Radio 3C0 035 684 A
3C0 035 684
SW: 0380
62 Door Rear Left 1K0 959 703 AD
1K0 959 795 P
SW: 0307
6D Trunk Elect 3C9 827 383 B
3C9 827 383 E
SW: 0600
72 Door Rear Right 1K0 959 704 AD
1K0 959 794 P
SW: 0307
77 Telephone 1K8 051 730 A
1K8 051 730 A
SW: 5200

Raw data

VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows XP x86
VCDS Version:
Data version: 20161010 DS267.0

VIN: WVWWK73C49E035580   License Plate: 

Chassis Type: 3C (3C0)
Scan: 01 03 08 09 15 16 17 19 25 2E 37 42 44 46 47 52 53 55 56 62
          6D 72 77

VIN: WVWWK73C49E035580   Mileage: 247360km-153702miles

01-Engine -- Status: Sporadic communication error 1000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: Malfunction 1010
04-Steering Angle -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: Malfunction 0010
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
15-Airbags -- Status: Sporadic communication error 1000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: Malfunction 0010
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: Malfunction 0010
25-Immobilizer -- Status: Malfunction 0010
2E-Media Player 3 -- Status: Malfunction 1010
37-Navigation -- Status: Malfunction 1010
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: Malfunction 0010
44-Steering Assist -- Status: OK 0000
46-Central Conv. -- Status: OK 0000
47-Sound System -- Status: Malfunction 1010
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
53-Parking Brake -- Status: Malfunction 1010
55-Headlight Range -- Status: OK 0000
56-Radio -- Status: Malfunction 1010
62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: Malfunction 0010
6D-Trunk Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: OK 0000
77-Telephone -- Status: Malfunction 1010
Address 01: Engine (CCT)       Labels: 06J-906-026-CCT.clb
   Part No SW: 06J 906 026 AF    HW: 06J 906 026 AF
   Component: MED17.5 TFSI 2,0    3318  
   Revision: AAH03---    Serial number: VWZCZ000000000
   Coding: 0404010A18070160
   Shop #: WSC 05314 000 00000
   VCID: 6ED3E17879389E325E-803A

No fault code found.
Readiness: 0110 0101

Address 03: ABS Brakes        Labels: 3C0-614-109-C4.clb
   Part No SW: 3C0 614 109 P    HW: 3C0 614 109 P
   Component: J104    C4 440 V2   0011  
   Revision: --025---    Serial number: 00000785892635
   Coding: 0000373
   Shop #: WSC 05311 000 00000
   VCID: 2B55286C8AAAAB1A39-807E

1 Fault Found:
01314 - Engine Control Module 
            013 - Check DTC Memory - Intermittent

Address 08: Auto HVAC        Labels: 3C0-907-044.lbl
   Part No SW: 3C0 907 044 EB    HW: 3C0 907 044 EB
   Component: ClimatronicPQ46 133 1010  
   Revision: 00133026    Serial number: 00000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 65C19E54ACCE5D6A2F-8030

4 Faults Found:
00041 - Indirect Ventilation Flap Motor (V213) 
            000 -  - 
01592 - Air Quality Sensor (G238) 
            010 - Open or Short to Plus
01273 - Fresh Air Blower (V2) 
            010 - Open or Short to Plus - Intermittent
00457 - Control Module for Network (J519) 
            013 - Check DTC Memory - Intermittent

Address 09: Cent. Elect.        Labels: 3C0-937-049-30-H.lbl
   Part No SW: 3C8 937 049 E    HW: 3C8 937 049 E
   Component: Bordnetz-SG     H54 2602  
   Revision: 00H54000    Serial number: 00000008635690
   Coding: 178C8F0340041A00470000000F000000002A5D435C000100000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 05124 000 00000
   VCID: 3365300C529AF3DA71-8066

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 3C1 955 419 A  Labels: 1KX-955-119.CLB
   Component: Wischer 220508 003  0205  
   Coding: 00046997
   Shop #: WSC 05124  

No fault code found.

Address 15: Airbags        Labels: 5N0-959-655.lbl
   Part No SW: 5N0 959 655     HW: 5N0 959 655 
   Component: J234__003 VW10 HI   1815  
   Revision: 19013000    Serial number: 0039BPDCXQ9C  
   Coding: 0012339
   Shop #: WSC 05311 000 00000
   VCID: 7AFBDD283570C292F2-802E

   Subsystem 1 - Serial number: 6333FTS631951608 

   Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 6343FTS667501258 

   Subsystem 3 - Serial number: 6353ETS6MOF6UVNH 

   Subsystem 4 - Serial number: 6363ETS6DJO4UVNH 

   Subsystem 5 - Serial number: 6374CTS67GBPSVNH 

   Subsystem 6 - Serial number: 6384CTS6QU6QSVNH 

No fault code found.

Address 16: Steering wheel        Labels: 3C0-953-549-SW20.lbl
   Part No SW: 3C0 953 549 AE    HW: 3C0 953 549 AE
   Component: J0527               0020  
   Revision: 00026000    Serial number: 3C9953507AT   
   Coding: 0000112
   Shop #: WSC 05311 000 00000
   VCID: 6FEDFC7C7E32973A55-803A

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: XXXXXXXXXXX 
   Component: E0221           002 0010

No fault code found.

Address 17: Instruments        Labels: 3C0-920-xxx-17.lbl
   Part No SW: 3C0 920 871 FX    HW: 3C0 920 871 FX
   Component: KOMBIINSTRUMENT VD1 1216  
   Revision: V0002000    Serial number: 00000000000000
   Coding: 0007305
   Shop #: WSC 00001 016 00032
   VCID: 7F0D2C3C2E52E7BAC5-802A

2 Faults Found:
00447 - Function Limitation due to Over-Voltage 
            001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
01771 - Control Module for Headlight Range (J431) 
            004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

Address 19: CAN Gateway        Labels: 3C0-907-530-V2.clb
   Part No SW: 3C0 907 530 H    HW: 3C0 907 951 
   Component: J533__Gateway   H13 0142  
   Revision:   H13       Serial number: 2600P086210ADA
   Coding: F9817F065206129002
   Shop #: WSC 94713 999 52438
   VCID: 2643D95891489672E6-8072

11 Faults Found:
00463 - Control Module for Digital Sound Package (J525) 
            004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
01321 - Control Module for Airbags (J234) 
            004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
00473 - Control Module for Elect. Park/Hand Brake (J540) 
            004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
01314 - Engine Control Module 
            004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
01316 - ABS Control Module 
            004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
00532 - Supply Voltage B+ 
            001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
01305 - Databus for Infotainment 
            004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
03272 - Control Module for Audio Interface 
            004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
01300 - Control Module for Navigation with CD-Rom (J401) 
            004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
01304 - Radio 
            004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
01303 - Telephone Transceiver (R36) 
            004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent

Address 25: Immobilizer        Labels: 3C0-959-433-25.clb
   Part No SW: 3C0 959 433 S    HW: 3C0 959 433 S
   Component:    IMMO         041 0383  
   Revision: 00041000    Serial number: VWZCZ000000000
   Shop #: WSC 94706 999 58966
   VCID: 3A7B1D2875F00292B2-806E

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 3C0 905 861 H
   Component:    ELV          028 0380
   3C0905861H     ELV          028 0380   

1 Fault Found:
02812 - Supply Voltage (Terminal 30) for Electronic Steering Column Lock 
            001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

Address 2E: Media Player 3 (J650)       Labels: 5N0-035-342.lbl
   Part No SW: 5N0 035 342 A    HW: 5N0 035 342 A
   Component: SG EXT.PLAYER H13 0062  
   Revision: A1001003    Serial number: 7667029392    
   Coding: 010000
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 2541DE542C4E9D6AEF-8070

2 Faults Found:
00447 - Function Limitation due to Over-Voltage 
            001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
00532 - Supply Voltage B+ 
            001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

Address 37: Navigation (J0506)       Labels: 1T0-035-680.clb
   Part No SW: 3C0 035 684 A    HW: 3C0 035 684 
   Component: RNS-MID       H17 0380  
   Revision: AB001001    Serial number: VWZ6Z7H7207062
   Coding: 240500000100000200
   Shop #: WSC 05314 000 00000
   VCID: 2149CA443866714A93-8074

1 Fault Found:
02635 - Tuner Not Enabled/Activated 
            000 -  - 

Address 42: Door Elect, Driver        Labels: 1K0-959-701-MIN3.lbl
   Part No SW: 1K0 959 701 AC    HW: 1K0 959 793 N
   Component: J386  TUER-SG FT    1517  
   Revision: 72009005    Serial number: 00000356288620
   Coding: 0001205
   Shop #: WSC 05311 000 00000
   VCID: 6FEDFC7C7E32973A55-803A

2 Faults Found:
01811 - Supply Voltage for Door Controller; Drivers Side (J386) 
            001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
00932 - Electric Window Motor; Drivers Side (V147) 
            005 - No or Incorrect Basic Setting / Adaptation - Intermittent

Address 44: Steering Assist        Labels: 5N1-909-144.clb
   Part No SW: 5N1 909 144 G    HW: 5N1 909 148 F
   Component: J500__APA-BS KL.082 0401  
   Revision: 1AH02234    Serial number: 00081360131402
   Coding: 0000258
   Shop #: WSC 05311 000 00000
   VCID: 3663091841E8E6F256-8062

No fault code found.

Address 46: Central Conv.        Labels: 3C0-959-433-46.clb
   Part No SW: 3C0 959 433 S    HW: 3C0 959 433 S
   Component:    KSG PQ46 ELV 041 0472  
   Revision: 00041000    Serial number: VWZCZ000000000
   Coding: 13900E80D1032E521004141FF08A0F0E087C01
   Shop #: WSC 05311 000 00000
   VCID: 3A7B1D2875F00292B2-806E

   Subsystem 1 - Component:   Sounder n.mounted     

   Subsystem 2 - Component:       NGS n.mounted     

   Subsystem 3 - Component:      IRUE n.mounted     

No fault code found.

Address 47: Sound System        Labels: 3C0-035-456.lbl
   Part No SW: 1Q0 035 456 B    HW: 1Q0 035 456 B
   Component: DSP 10 Kanal        0013  
   Revision: 00010000    Serial number: 00000000004928
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 2B55286C8AAAAB1A39-807E

3 Faults Found:
00870 - Bass Speaker Front Left (R21) 
            011 - Open Circuit - Intermittent
00873 - Bass Speaker Rear Right (R17) 
            012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit
00419 - Left Front DSP Midrange Speaker (R103) 
            011 - Open Circuit

Address 52: Door Elect, Pass.        Labels: 1K0-959-702-MIN3.lbl
   Part No SW: 1K0 959 702 AC    HW: 1K0 959 792 N
   Component: J387  TUER-SG BT    1517  
   Revision: 72009005    Serial number: 00000050588618
   Coding: 0001204
   Shop #: WSC 05311 000 00000
   VCID: 70EFFF00630C88C24C-8024

1 Fault Found:
01812 - Supply Voltage for Door Controller; Pass. Side (J387) 
            001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

Address 53: Parking Brake        Labels: 5N0-907-801.clb
   Part No SW: 3C8 907 801 A    HW: 3C8 907 801 A
   Component: J540 EPB3  VW-10498 0003  
   Revision:   009       Serial number: 00000000075587
   Coding: 0000057
   Shop #: WSC 94706 999 58966
   VCID: 285FD7609B5C8002D4-807C

1 Fault Found:
03182 - Clutch Position Sensor (G476) 
            010 - Open or Short to Plus - Intermittent

Address 55: Headlight Range        Labels: 5M0-907-357-V2.lbl
   Part No SW: 5M0 907 357 C    HW: 5M0 907 357 C
   Component: AFS-Steuergeraet    0133  
   Revision: 00H04000    Serial number:               
   Coding: 2323457
   Shop #: WSC 05311 000 08193
   VCID: 346733105794F4E268-8060

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 A  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul l    0004  
   Coding: 00000035

   Subsystem 2 - Part No: 7L6 941 329 A  Labels: 3D0-941-329.CLB
   Component: AFS-Lst.-Modul r    0004  
   Coding: 00000035

No fault code found.

Address 56: Radio (J0506)       Labels: 1T0-035-680.clb
   Part No SW: 3C0 035 684 A    HW: 3C0 035 684 
   Component: RNS-MID       H17 0380  
   Revision: AB001001    Serial number: VWZ6Z7H7207062
   Coding: 240500000100000200
   Shop #: WSC 05314 000 00000
   VCID: 2149CA443866714A93-8074

1 Fault Found:
02635 - Tuner Not Enabled/Activated 
            000 -  - 

Address 62: Door, Rear Left        Labels: 1K0-959-703-GEN3.lbl
   Part No SW: 1K0 959 703 AD    HW: 1K0 959 795 P
   Component: J388   TUER-SG HL   0307  
   Revision: 42004101    Serial number: 00000000465219
   Coding: 0001168
   Shop #: WSC 05311 000 00000
   VCID: 72EBF5086D00BAD2BA-8026

1 Fault Found:
01813 - Supply Voltage for Door Controller; Rear Left (J388) 
            002 - Lower Limit Exceeded

Address 6D: Trunk Elect.        Labels: None
   Part No SW: 3C9 827 383 B    HW: 3C9 827 383 E
   Component: J605  HECKDECKEL    0600  
   Revision: 00H27001    
   Shop #: WSC 23250 384 715754
   VCID: 306F3F00A38CC8C20C-8064

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 3C9 827 384 F
   Component: J756  HECKDECKEL    0720

1 Fault Found:
00447 - Function Limitation due to Over-Voltage 
            001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - Intermittent

Address 72: Door, Rear Right        Labels: 1K0-959-704-GEN3.lbl
   Part No SW: 1K0 959 704 AD    HW: 1K0 959 794 P
   Component: J389   TUER-SG HR   0307  
   Revision: 42004101    Serial number: 00000000476708
   Coding: 0001168
   Shop #: WSC 05311 000 00000
   VCID: 73E5F00C121AB3DAB1-8026

No fault code found.

Address 77: Telephone (J738)       Labels: 1K8-035-730.clb
   Part No SW: 1K8 051 730 A    HW: 1K8 051 730 A
   Component: Telefon       H01 5200  
   Revision: 00001000    Serial number: 20389520003019
   Coding: 402120
   Shop #: WSC 94713 999 52438
   VCID: 2541DE542C4E9D6AEF-8070

1 Fault Found:
00447 - Function Limitation due to Over-Voltage 
            000 -  -  - Intermittent

End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 02:37)--------------------------