Volkswagen Golf Log details #303

Volkswagen Golf (1K1) 2007 - Log details

Volkswagen Golf

Milege: 160400 km
Year: 2007
Code: 1K
Created: 2020-05-30

Log Info

Control modules count: 21
Errors: yes
scanned at: 2020-05-23

Log items

Address Modules list Errors Part number Software/Hardware Coding
01 Engine 022 906 032 HN
SW: 7787
02 Auto Trans 02E 300 011 BL
02E 927 770 AD
SW: 1397
03 ABS Brakes 1K0 907 379 AB
1K0 907 379 AB
SW: 0102
08 Auto HVAC 1K0 907 044 BJ
1K0 907 044 BJ
SW: 0909
09 Cent Elect 3C0 937 049 E
3C0 937 049 E
SW: 1002
15 Airbags 1K0 909 605 AB
1K0 909 605 AB
SW: 8000
16 Steering wheel 1K0 953 549 AQ
1K0 953 549 AQ
SW: 0070
17 Instruments 1K6 920 873 B
1K6 920 873 B
SW: 1610
19 CAN Gateway 1K0 907 530 H
1K0 907 951
SW: 0150
22 AWD SW: 0115
25 Immobilizer 1K6 920 873 B
1K6 920 873 B
SW: 1610
42 Door Elect Driver 1K0 959 701 N
1K0 959 701 N
SW: 0971
44 Steering Assist SW: 1806
46 Central Conv 1K0 959 433 BT
1K0 959 433 BT
SW: 0202
52 Door Elect Pass 1K0 959 702 N
1K0 959 702 N
SW: 0971
55 Headlight Range SW: 0003
56 Radio 3C8 035 195
3C8 035 195
SW: 0130
62 Door Rear Left 1K0 959 703 K
1K0 959 703 K
SW: 0913
72 Door Rear Right 1K0 959 704 K
1K0 959 704 K
SW: 0913
76 Park Assist SW: 0101
77 Telephone 3C0 035 729 E
3C0 035 729 E
SW: 6009

Raw data

VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x64
VCDS Version: (x64)
Data version: 20200331 DS317.0

VIN: WVWPM51K87W038180   License Plate: 

Chassis Type: 1K (1K0)
Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 15 16 17 19 22 25 42 44 46 52 55 56 62 72 76

VIN: WVWPM51K87W038180   Mileage: 160400km-99667miles

00-Steering Angle Sensor -- Status: OK 0000
01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
22-AWD -- Status: OK 0000
25-Immobilizer -- Status: OK 0000
42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: Malfunction 0010
44-Steering Assist -- Status: OK 0000
46-Central Conv. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
55-Headlight Range -- Status: OK 0000
56-Radio -- Status: Malfunction 0010
62-Door, Rear Left -- Status: OK 0000
72-Door, Rear Right -- Status: Malfunction 0010
76-Park Assist -- Status: OK 0000
77-Telephone -- Status: Malfunction 0010
Address 01: Engine        Labels: 022-906-032-BDB.lbl
   Part No SW: 022 906 032 HN    HW: DDK         
   Component: MOTRONIC ME7.1.1G   7787  
   Revision: --H01---    Serial number: VWZ7Z0F8054087
   Coding: 0000178
   Shop #: WSC 01279 785 00200
   VCID: 5EB3436289FD397659-800A

1 Fault Found:
000113 - Sensor for Ambient Air Temperature (G17) 
               P0071 - 004 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent
Readiness: 0010 1001

Address 02: Auto Trans        Labels: 02E-927-770.clb
   Part No SW: 02E 300 011 BL    HW: 02E 927 770 AD
   Component: GSG DSG         082 1397  
   Revision: 05108020    Serial number: 00001005240748
   Coding: 0000020
   Shop #: WSC 59809 741 180604
   VCID: 5ABB4F7295D5D55625-800E

No fault code found.

Address 03: ABS Brakes        Labels: 1K0-907-379-MK60-A.lbl
   Part No SW: 1K0 907 379 AB    HW: 1K0 907 379 AB
   Component: ESP 4MOTION MK60    0102  
   Revision: 00H13001    
   Coding: 0004744
   Shop #: WSC 01279 785 00200
   VCID: 72EB07D26D658D160D-8026

No fault code found.

Address 08: Auto HVAC        Labels: 1K0-907-044.lbl
   Part No SW: 1K0 907 044 BJ    HW: 1K0 907 044 BJ
   Component: ClimatronicPQ35 090 0909  
   Revision: 00090016    Serial number: 00000000000000
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 70EF0DDA6369BF06FB-8024

No fault code found.

Address 09: Cent. Elect.        Labels:. 3C0-937-049-23-H.lbl
   Part No SW: 3C0 937 049 E    HW: 3C0 937 049 E
   Component: Bordnetz-SG     H37 1002  
   Revision: 00H37000    Serial number: 00000005907342
   Coding: E68E8F27000410003F1400001400000000097B075C
   Shop #: WSC 12345 111 45725
   VCID: 2B55DAB68ACF9CDE8E-807E

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: 1K1 955 119 E  Labels: 1KX-955-119.CLB
   Component: Wischer 230606 020  0501  
   Coding: 00038805
   Shop #: WSC 12345  

   Subsystem 2 - Part No: 1K0 955 559 AE  Labels: 1K0-955-559-AF.CLB
   Component: RLS     220606 014  1201  
   Coding: 00469790
   Shop #: WSC 12345  

2 Faults Found:
01504 - Bulb for License-Plate Light (X) 
            012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00101100
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 2
                    Reset counter: 20
                    Mileage: 160385 km
                    Time Indication: 0

             Freeze Frame:
                    Voltage: 10.90 V

01598 - Drive Battery Voltage 
            000 - - - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100000
                    Fault Priority: 2
                    Fault Frequency: 16
                    Reset counter: 20
                    Mileage: 160344 km
                    Time Indication: 0

             Freeze Frame:
                    Voltage: 12.70 V

Address 15: Airbags        Labels: 1K0-909-605.lbl
   Part No SW: 1K0 909 605 AB    HW: 1K0 909 605 AB
   Component: 5F AIRBAG VW8R  034 8000  
   Revision: 05034000    Serial number: 003B6D053LZB  
   Coding: 0013638
   Shop #: WSC 01279 785 00200
   VCID: 6CD719AA4F415BE6C7-8038

   Subsystem 1 - Serial number: 6332MSME11030C7B6

   Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 6342MSME0F7F4B76.

   Subsystem 3 - Serial number: 6352QSME0E480C65Q

   Subsystem 4 - Serial number: 6362QSME107917216

No fault code found.

Address 16: Steering wheel        Labels: 1K0-953-549-MY8.lbl
   Part No SW: 1K0 953 549 AQ    HW: 1K0 953 549 AQ
   Component: J0527           035 0070  
   Coding: 0012122
   Shop #: WSC 12345 111 45799
   VCID: 0109581E58C3A68E04-8054

   Subsystem 1 - Part No: XXXXXXXXXXX 
   Component: E0221           002 0010

No fault code found.

Address 17: Instruments        Labels: 1K0-920-xxx-17.lbl
   Part No SW: 1K6 920 873 B    HW: 1K6 920 873 B
   Component: KOMBIINSTRUMENT VDD 1610  
   Revision: V0003000    Serial number: VWZ7Z0F8054087
   Coding: 0007103
   Shop #: WSC 12345 111 45799
   VCID: 3169C8DEA8E3F60EB4-8064

No fault code found.

Address 19: CAN Gateway        Labels:. 1K0-907-530-V2.clb
   Part No SW: 1K0 907 530 H    HW: 1K0 907 951 
   Component: J533__Gateway   H12 0150  
   Revision:   H12       Serial number: 3100106623123C
   Coding: FF3F07C007000002
   Shop #: WSC 12345 111 45725
   VCID: 2C57D9AA8FC19BE687-8078

No fault code found.

Address 22: AWD        Labels: 1K0-907-554.lbl
   Part No: 1K0 907 554 F
   Component: Haldex 4Motion      0115  
   Coding: 0000001
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 306FCDDAA3E9FF06BB-8064

No fault code found.

Address 25: Immobilizer        Labels: 1K0-920-xxx-25.clb
   Part No SW: 1K6 920 873 B    HW: 1K6 920 873 B
   Component: IMMO            VDD 1610  
   Revision: V0003000    Serial number: VWZ7Z0F8054087
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 3169C8DEA8E3F60EB4-8064

No fault code found.

Address 42: Door Elect, Driver        Labels:. 1K0-959-701-MAX3.clb
   Part No SW: 1K0 959 701 N    HW: 1K0 959 701 N
   Component: Tuer-SG         005 0971  
   Coding: 0000180
   Shop #: WSC 01279 785 00200
   VCID: 3979F0FE70933E4E0C-806C

2 Faults Found:
01552 - Motor for Central Locking; Drivers Door (V56); Lock 
            012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit - Intermittent
00928 - Locking Module for Central Locking; Front Driver Side (F220) 
            008 - Implausible Signal

Address 44: Steering Assist        Labels: 1Kx-909-144-G2V3.clb
   Part No: 1K1 909 144 L
   Component: EPS_ZFLS Kl.141 H07 1806  
   Shop #: WSC 00000 028 00001
   VCID: 3467C1CA57F1C326DF-8060

No fault code found.

Address 46: Central Conv.        Labels:. 1K0-959-433-MAX.clb
   Part No SW: 1K0 959 433 BT    HW: 1K0 959 433 BT
   Component:    KSG PQ35 G2  020 0202  
   Revision: 00020000    Serial number: 00000000000000
   Coding: 109002005103487F6D060F05F0088FA070D840
   Shop #: WSC 12345 111 45725
   VCID: 0305521642DFB49E16-8056

   Subsystem 1 - Component:   Sounder No Answer     

   Subsystem 2 - Component:       NGS n.mounted     

   Subsystem 3 - Component:      IRUE No Answer     

2 Faults Found:
01135 - Interior Monitoring Sensors 
            004 - No Signal/Communication
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01100100
                    Fault Priority: 4
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 231
                    Mileage: 160250 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2000.00.00
                    Time: 17:24:50

01134 - Alarm Horn (H12) 
            004 - No Signal/Communication
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01100100
                    Fault Priority: 4
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 231
                    Mileage: 160250 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2000.00.00
                    Time: 17:24:50

Address 52: Door Elect, Pass.        Labels:. 1K0-959-702-MAX3.clb
   Part No SW: 1K0 959 702 N    HW: 1K0 959 702 N
   Component: Tuer-SG         005 0971  
   Coding: 0000436
   Shop #: WSC 01279 785 00200
   VCID: 3A7BEFF27595355605-806E

No fault code found.

Address 55: Headlight Range        Labels: 1T0-907-357.lbl
   Part No: 1T0 907 357 
   Component: Dynamische LWR      0003  
   Coding: 0000004
   Shop #: WSC 01279 785 00200
   VCID: 74E701CA177183261F-8020

No fault code found.

Address 56: Radio (J0503)       Labels:. 5M0-035-1xx-56.clb
   Part No SW: 3C8 035 195     HW: 3C8 035 195 
   Component: Radio RCD510  036 0130  
   Revision: 00000001    Serial number: VWZ1Z3H3255434
   Coding: 0D00040004
   Shop #: WSC 12345 123 61029
   VCID: 65C16C8E6CAB6AAE98-8030

1 Fault Found:
01327 - Control Module for Parking Aid (J446) 
            004 - No Signal/Communication
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01100100
                    Fault Priority: 6
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 231
                    Mileage: 160250 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2000.00.00
                    Time: 17:25:34

Address 62: Door, Rear Left        Labels:. 1K0-959-703-GEN3.clb
   Part No SW: 1K0 959 703 K    HW: 1K0 959 703 K
   Component: Tuer-SG         005 0913  
   Coding: 0000144
   Shop #: WSC 01279 785 1012552
   VCID: 387FF5FA4B992746F3-806C

No fault code found.

Address 72: Door, Rear Right        Labels:. 1K0-959-704-GEN3.clb
   Part No SW: 1K0 959 704 K    HW: 1K0 959 704 K
   Component: Tuer-SG         005 0913  
   Coding: 0000144
   Shop #: WSC 01279 785 1012552
   VCID: 3979F0FE70933E4E0C-806C

1 Fault Found:
00931 - Locking Module for Central Locking; Rear Right (F223) 
            008 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent

Address 76: Park Assist        Labels: 1K0-919-283.lbl
   Part No: 1K0 919 283 A
   Component: 22 Einparkhilfe     0101  
   Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
   VCID: 2D51D4AEB4DB92EE90-8078

No fault code found.

Address 77: Telephone        Labels: 3C0-035-729.lbl
   Part No SW: 3C0 035 729 E    HW: 3C0 035 729 E
   Component: Telefon             6009  
   Revision: 00009000    Serial number: 0000000754760
   Coding: 0016023
   Shop #: WSC 01287 785 00200
   VCID: 25412C8EEC2BAAAE58-8070

5 Faults Found:
01523 - Microphone for Telephone (R38) 
            007 - Short to Ground
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01100111
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 231
                    Mileage: 160250 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2000.00.00
                    Time: 17:07:02

01530 - Radio Mute Switch 
            009 - Open or Short to Ground
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01101001
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 231
                    Mileage: 160250 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2000.00.00
                    Time: 17:07:02

00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage 
            000 - - - Intermittent
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00100000
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 2
                    Reset counter: 19
                    Mileage: 160397 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2000.00.00
                    Time: 18:27:40

01524 - Antenna for Telephone 
            011 - Open Circuit
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 01101011
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 1
                    Reset counter: 231
                    Mileage: 160250 km
                    Time Indication: 0
                    Date: 2000.00.00
                    Time: 17:07:02

01042 - Control Module; Not Coded 
            000 - -
             Freeze Frame:
                    Fault Status: 00000000
                    Fault Priority: 3
                    Fault Frequency: 0
                    Reset counter: 0
                    Time Indication: 1

End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 02:07)--------------------------