Door Rear Pass - 5Q0 959 395 D

Coding for Door Rear Pass 5Q0959395D on A3

5Q0 959 395 D :020 / :0028
Coding: 00  4D  16  20  40  01  04  00  00  00  10  02 
label: None
Faults: 0
# Byte 0 [00] / Binary: 00000000
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
# Byte 1 [4D] / Binary: 01001101
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
# Byte 2 [16] / Binary: 00010110
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
# Byte 3 [20] / Binary: 00100000
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
# Byte 4 [40] / Binary: 01000000
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
# Byte 5 [01] / Binary: 00000001
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
# Byte 6 [04] / Binary: 00000100
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
# Byte 7 [00] / Binary: 00000000
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
# Byte 8 [00] / Binary: 00000000
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
# Byte 9 [00] / Binary: 00000000
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
# Byte 10 [10] / Binary: 00010000
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
# Byte 11 [02] / Binary: 00000010
bit 0  
bit 1  
bit 2  
bit 3  
bit 4  
bit 5  
bit 6  
bit 7  
Address BC: Door Rear Pass (J389)       Labels:* None
   Part No SW: 5Q0 959 395 D    HW: 5Q0 959 395 B
   Component: TSG HBFS      020 0028  
   Serial number: 080115BA715354
   Coding: 004D16204001040000001002
   Shop #: WSC 06385 790 00016
   ASAM Dataset: EV_DCURearPasseMINKLO 006003
   ROD: EV_DCURearPasseMAXCONT.rod
   VCID: 42A5B384D513F95FF1-8016
No fault code found.
End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 04:37)--------------------------
Address 5F: DTCs cleared
Address 6C: DTCs cleared
Address 55: DTCs cleared
Address 52: DTCs cleared
Address 44: DTCs cleared
Address 2B: DTCs cleared
Address 22: DTCs cleared
Address 19: DTCs cleared
Address 10: DTCs cleared
Address 09: DTCs cleared
Address 03: DTCs cleared
Address 01: DTCs cleared
VCDS Release 19.6.2:  SRI Reset-SRI3.CLB
Control Module Part Number: 8V0 920 871 D       Labels:  .*5G0-920-XXX-17.clb-SRI3
Component:KOMBI         H02 4292, Coding:27AD181A2B8000080101A8001000000000000000
Operation: Please select an operation
Channel                                                                                             	Description                                                 	Current val.                                                	New val.  
IDE00342-ESI: Resetting ESI                                                                         	ESI: Service Reminder Status                                	no warning                                                  	---       
IDE00510-ESI: distance driven from inspection                                                       	ESI: Distance since Inspection                              	3657 km                                                     	---       
IDE00511-ESI: time from inspection                                                                  	ESI: Time since Inspection                                  	122 d                                                       	---       
IDE00515-ESI: oil quality                                                                           	ESI: Oil Quality                                            	poor oil quality                                            	---       
IDE00517-ESI: soot entry                                                                            	ESI: Soot Quantity                                          	0 km                                                        	---       
IDE00518-ESI: thermal load                                                                          	ESI: Thermal Load                                           	8600 km                                                     	---       
IDE01153-SIA: maximum value of distance to service                                                  	SIA: Maximum Distance to Service                            	7500 km                                                     	---       
IDE01154-SIA: maximum value of time to service                                                      	SIA: Maximum Time to Service                                	365 d                                                       	---       
IDE03349-FIX: Max. distance until next mileage-related inspection                                   	FIX: Maximum Distance to Inspection                         	30000 km                                                    	---       
IDE03350-FIX: Maximum time until next time-dependent inspection                                     	FIX: Maximum Time to Inspection                             	730 d                                                       	---       
IDE03351-FIX: Distance covered since last mileage-dependent inspection                              	FIX: Distance since Inspection                              	10700 km                                                    	---       
IDE03352-FIX: Time since last time-dependent inspection                                             	FIX: Time since Inspection                                  	298 d                                                       	---       